Hello, Travelers to Hunza Valley!

Dear Traveler,

Whether you have already decided to travel to Hunza Valley, or are making up your mind,
or just curious and stumbling and figuring out and surfing and browsing,
we welcome you to our valley.

Through this website, Hunza Volun’Traveling, we will offer you a source of information
about working voluntarily (or on volunteer or community projects) during your stay in or
passage through the valley. Here is where you the traveler can obtain information on how
to spend your time constructively for the locals when you are not hiking, climbing, skiing, or
traveling, and are looking for something other than idling.

The projects can be small or big, long or short, structured or unstructured, one-off or
recurring. You may be called to participate once, more, or twice. You may engage for
an hour just once on a tree-planting project, or help a new guest house with their website,
or teach English to children for a few weeks. You may or may not be paid an income or a
token salary for the project. You may receive fruits & bread, or prayers and love, or a small
payment for the project, or you may walk away immediately after and apparently receive

It is all variable and incidental.

But one thing is for certain: we expect that pending a few adjustments and panic and fear and excitement and curiosity, both the travelers and host communities will love this, for this is something that potentially benefits not just the two in the interaction, but also the larger world but making the traveling/hosting experience more worthwhile than it otherwise could have been.

We will soon begin to post information here.

Stay tuned!

Hunza Volun'Traveling is a project of RAMLA'S PROJECTS, a compendium of projects aimed at 'rejuvenating Life on Planet Earth'.

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